Similar words: power supply, uninterrupted, interrupting, interruption, corruptible, incorruptible, interrupt, interrupted.
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1. Desktop use the top of the uninterruptible power supply.
2. An uninterruptible power supply is able to switch an operation mode between an on-line operation method and an off-line operation method for a wider range of commercial power supplies.
3. SMES systems act like an uninterruptible power supply ( UPS ) with high power and low stored energy.
4. Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) is a power electronic device which provideshigh quality and uninterruptible electronic power.
5. Custom computer power equipment manufacturing services, Uninterruptible power supply systems, Flywheel energy storage equipment, Fuel cell energy conversion equipment, Power electronics devices.
6. Manages an uninterruptible power supply ( UPS ) connected to the computer.
7. At the beginning of the establishment of the company, established with operating UPS uninterruptible power supply - driven.
More similar words: power supply, uninterrupted, interrupting, interruption, corruptible, incorruptible, interrupt, interrupted, water supply, coitus interruptus, oversupply, unintelligible, interconvertible, contemptible, irruption, irruptive, corruption, incorruption, unintelligibly, horse power, horsepower, uninterested, uninteresting, power source, legitimate power, uninterestingly, earning power, power station, perceptible, power steering.